Funny how most of my hobbies start. I was lured by pretty dragons and other fantasy figurines in a glass case, so I dragged my friend into the store. We played a sample game and love was born.
A few weeks later I dragged my boyfriend into that same store; we walked out with 100+ dollars worth of gaming equipment.
What game is this, you ask, that has lured in so quickly and completley?
Warhammer 40k my friends.
I play Orks, mainly because I love that they fight the old fashined way, with lots of numbers and lots of smashing weapons. My boyfriend plays the cowardly Space Marines, hiding behind their massive armor and trying to convice the world that they rule. Ha!
I will be putting up pictures of my progress with my army, which is painfully slow, I admit. I have to get back into my painting frenzy. There are just SO many orks to paint, and I've barely got started. *sigh*
Next up, pictures of my head crushin' boyz!
The making of 'Drama in the Dungeon'!
I finished up my largest framed diorama to date a while back and I thought
it would be fun to show how the whole thing was built.
First here's the fin...
4 weeks ago